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Produced by: Emilia Barclay

Words by: Bryony Barclay


Being free is the power to forget,

To let things go,

To be, just as you are,

It’s being aware of the strength of the wind, trusting it to hold you.


We’ve started a journey,

A long one,

Possibly without knowing it, 

A quest to find something bigger.


This bitter-sweet taste,

It leads us astray,

Tempting us to abandon  the things we  once knew;

Our familiar comforts,

Our simple pleasures.


We push  boundaries more and more,

until satisfaction, 

Even exhilaration, 

Until there’s a sense of free. 


But freedom is obstructed by responsibility,

The inescapable urge to do something that makes a difference,

To leave your mark,

To be remembered.


Our bodies fill and sink with everyday pressure;

An invisible poison that corrupts us over time,

Until we become versions of the same product,

A consequence of our inability to 




Sometimes I  think about the vastness of the ocean; I  compare myself to it often. 

It’s force, it’s vitality. 

I am insignificant 




Just an admirer


A spectator.

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